FTC Robot Chassis
Modular 80/20 construction, omni-directional movement using independently driven mecanum wheels
Converted to a custom tread drive intended to enhance traction and climbing ability for the 2016 season
Original mecanum chassis later adapted for a robot which competed in the 2017 WA state championships
Farnsworth-Hirsch Fusor demonstrator
Project Co-Lead, Center cage design and isolation
Pentel Twist-Erase III mechanical pencil
Dimensionally accurate assembly made in SOLIDWORKS
Wire art and jewelry
26 gauge sterling silver bracelet, stainless clasp
26 gauge sterling silver bracelet, stainless clasp
Lilypad Earrings, 26 gauge stainless
Lilypad Earrings, 26 gauge stainless
24 gauge stainless bracelet, stainless clasp
24 gauge stainless bracelet, stainless clasp
Bird Earrings, 24 gauge stainless
Bird Earrings, 24 gauge stainless
Collapsible tensegrity shelter concept
Bent plywood end table

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